Wednesday 4 March 2015


This is the first of what we hope will be a regular series of news bulletins designed to provide information about forthcoming projects, social events and fundraising activities – essentially to add a little more flesh to the skeleton provided by the monthly minutes. 

We are particularly keen that the Friends of the club, who play a vitally important part in the life of the club, should be kept fully informed about, and have the opportunity to be involved in, the full range of our activities. Those who attended our recent Charter dinner will have heard me pay tribute to the contribution that the Friends made to a very successful Christmas campaign this year and you can read more on this by clicking here .

This bulletin is focussed on the next two months. All the items covered can be found on the club calendar which lists important dates for the whole of 2015.


1. Spud supper at Jays End 28th March

This is an Ironbridge Lions Club social evening hosted by John and Jill Marsh at their home. It promises to be a very pleasant evening. The cost is very modest at £2.50 per head and any profits will go to support the club’s admin costs. More information can be found  here

2.    Bridgnorth Lions Charter Night 11 April

The Bridgnorth annual charter night, a black tie dinner celebrating the 39th anniversary of the clubs formation, is being held at Ye Olde Punch Bowl Inn Bridgnorth  on 11th April. The cost is £21 per head.

3.    Wrekin Lions Race Night 2nd May

Wrekin Lions are holding a race night on 2nd May. The cost of the evening is £5 per head (which includes a chicken and chips supper) plus approximately £5 as the cost of horses in the races.


1.    Silver over the bridge

Silver over the bridge (SOB) is our longest running fundraising activity. Essentially it involves laying sticky tape across the Iron Bridge and inviting passers-by to put down their spare coins.  We also volunteer to man the Toll House on those days when we are collecting on the bridge.

We have scheduled 9 SOB sessions over the course of this year, each focussed on a different charity – including:

Easter Sunday 5th April – for Marie Curie
Sunday May 3rd – for Blood bikes

Each SOB session runs from 10am to 4pm and is supported by Members and Friends working in 2 hour shifts – generally 3 people on the bridge itself and one person to man the Toll House.

Additional volunteers are always very welcome so if you’ve never helped at a SOB session why not give it a try. Visitors are general intrigued by the activity and we have some really interesting conversations so the two hours pass very easily.

2. Collection at ASDA Donnington – 4 April

We will be collecting for the club’s charitable funds at the entrance to the ASDA Donnington store on Saturday 4th April with the support of our Mascot Dandy Lion. As with SOB, volunteers will work in 2 hour shifts between 10AM and 4PM.

Additional help is always welcome on these sessions so if you have a couple of hours to spare do please let us know.

If you would like to join us at any of the events and activities listed above or if you need any further information, please contact:

 Colin Thompson; or

Colin Thompson
4 March 2015



“We Serve”